Campus Placement

Campus Placement

InfoTech Links have built enduring relationships with leading Indian and Global technology companies. We understand the skill requirements of the industry and have taken a leadership role in connecting skilled individuals with technology enterprises.

We can help

  • Prevention is better than cure: We conduct a Campus Placement audit and pinpoint the problem areas before they surface to the top.
  • Present your Institute in the best light: Top Companies hire from Top Institutes. We help you understand and implement the Best Practices of Top Institutes.

Our strategies are contemporary and are designed for mid & large institutions.

Placing your Students in good companies is both your most important challenge and purpose. Campus Placements, in many ways, are the bread and butter of your Educational Institution. The better the campus placement season, the better the future prospects of your Institution.

Today, companies are spoiled for choice; Campus Placement Managers in companies are inundated with requests for campus visits. Unless there are strong differentiators (lead generation process, brand image, and marketing strategy), companies don’t feel compelled to visit the campus.

When campus placements don’t go well, it places tremendous financial and marketing strain on your Institution. Students are keener to join institutes that have a strong campus placement record, and students are often willing to pay a premium to join such institutions. It’s hard to argue with the point that a strong campus placement season is the biggest marketing advantage an Institution has.